The kidneys act as a filter of all the cellular metabolites released into the bloodstream;
This filter sorts and reabsorb, it eliminates the waste via the bladder.
After filtration, it communicates to the whole organism the activity of each organ at the metabolic level. It is the water thus reabsorbed that allows this exchange.
The kidneys are the support of the inner insurance: "to have solid kidneys".
Associated with the bladder, the kidneys are one of five families of organs and meridians related to the sense of hearing.
Each one, according to his sensibility, lives the winter in a different way.
For some, this period brings energy and well-being. For others, on the contrary, it brings the return of seasonal disorders, manifesting itself in a loss of vitality that worsens a little more each year: renal or bladder weakness, lumbar discomfort, disruption of the venous circulation, psychic disorders with a depressed state characterized by fear of the future, of death ...